
Johannesburg Branch: 0115932307 | 0837960955

Durban Branch (HEAD OFFICE): 0318305095 | 0836536443

Capetown Branch: 021 403 6321

Divorce Attorneys

We understand that divorces are traumatising and can be an emotional roller-coaster ride. Our firm works closely with various Courts, Family Advocates and social workers to ensure that we have streamlined this process to make it quick, cost effective and as painless as possible.

Over the years we have finalised numerous cases and negotiated several uncontested divorces. The institutions we are affiliated to provide our clients and their minor children with stress and anxiety free transitions. This also avoids the situations where the children have to choose sides which could lead to long term consequences for them.

During this enduring and emotional time, we encourage our clients and the children to undergo counselling with social workers and psychologists. We stand firm that minors’ rights should never be neglected and are of paramount importance to us and our firm. We also refer clients to accountants who assist with evaluating assets for division purposes.

In cases where a divorce cannot be negotiated, then we have the necessary competencies and capabilities to litigate these divorces and ensure our clients’ rights are upheld and they receive what is due to them.

Divorces are private and confidential. We make privacy and attorney-client privilege a top priority at Reddy Attorneys. In our small but upcoming firm, the negotiating, litigation, consults and drafting of documents are done by the partners personally and not by candidates therefore ensuring you that the best possible advise, precision and results are delivered to our clients.

Our fees are extremely competitive whilst providing you with the best possible solutions. We charge on an hourly rate for only work done and for the payment of disbursements. As we and I’m sure you as well want these matters to be finalised as soon as possible, we guarantee we will get you the speedy results you require at the best possible price. 

