Our Process / Costing
Flash sale for all unopposed / uncontested divorces
Start 2024 off with your divorce from only R4999,00. Includes first consult all documents summons, particulars of claim, family advocate endorsement and service on the defendant. We have more that 5 years experience in family law matters. Offices in Duran, JHB and CPT. Valid for this month only.
Was R15 000
Now R7 499
Ex. (Sheriffs fee: R990)
Consult with us from only R990,00
this week only.
Department of home affairs printed an original marriage certificate and a certified copy of it.
Certified copy of your ID
Certified copy of minors birth certificates, if applicable.
Original ANC and a Certified copy of ANC, if applicable.
The divorce process in South Africa is rather uncomplicated, yet the financial and emotional consequences can be devastating without the correct guidance.
A divorce action is instituted by the issuing of a summons. You can divorce in either the Regional Court of the Magistrate Court having jurisdiction in your area or in the High Court. To start the divorce process, you need to serve a Summons. A divorce summons is unique in that it must be served personally on the defendant by the sheriff of the court.
A court has jurisdiction in a divorce action if one or both parties are domiciled in the area of jurisdiction of the court on the date on which the action is instituted or you or your spouse are ordinarily resident in South Africa for a period of not less than one year immediately prior to that date.
There are typically two types of divorces, the contested or opposed divorce and the uncontested or unopposed. The latter type of divorce is the best and most cost effective for all parties concerned. An uncontested divorce can be finalized in as little as 4 weeks. If a divorce is contested it may take between 2 – 3 years, but most contested divorces do settle long before they go on trial.
In South Africa, the marital regime of the parties determines how the assets will be divided upon dissolution of the marriage. In South Africa, we have a ‘no fault’ system of divorce, meaning that a divorce will be granted if one of the parties believes that there has been an ‘irretrievable breakdown of the marriage relationship’ and that there are no reasonable prospects of restoring it. Therefore, a marriage can be dissolved even if one of the parties does not wish to get divorced.
Civil marriages, civil unions and those religious marriages conducted by registered marriage officers can only be dissolved by order of the court. The spouse wishing to end the marriage must issue a summons against the other spouse, stating that the relationship has broken down, that there is no reasonable prospect of restoring the relationship and which matrimonial property regime governs the marriage. The summons must make provision for the division of the estate, either stating that the parties have entered into a prior agreement or asking the court to divide the joint estate or enforce the provisions of the ANC. Parties must also set out what the arrangements are with regards to any children born or adopted during the marriage.
Usually where children are involved or where there are substantial assets, retirement annuities or pension funds, it is advisable to seek the assistance of an attorney with family law experience. We draft a comprehensive settlement agreement and parenting plan which must be endorsed by the Family Advocate to ensure that the best interests of the minor children are realised upon dissolution of the marriage. Going back to court after a divorce was granted to rectify mistakes made by you or an inexperienced legal practitioner in a settlement agreement can be rather costly.
Price R20 000
Deposit required R10 000
The contested divorce process is rather complicated and requires expert legal knowledge and negotiation skills. The process is as follows:
- pleadings
- application for and set down of trial date
- discovery of documents
- further discovery and particulars
- pre-trial conference
- trial
- judgment